Anthony Agnello currently serves as President of the Friends of Afghanistan, (FoA) the national organization of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers from this strategically important nation. FoA, in alliance with community goups and student service organizations, have sent books, school supplies and computers to Afghanistan. They also have helped to fund the construction of six schools for Afghan girls in addition to numerous other educational outreach projects. FoA, supports SOLA, the School of Leadership-Afghanistan, in Kabul and a gender equity weaving project in Bamiyan along with RPCV Louise Pascale’s Afghan Children’s Songbook Project. The group provides disaster relief in the region, through author Khaled Hosseini’s Foundation.
Mr. Agnello, who received the 2013 Clifford Harkins Alumni Award at Northern Arizona University for distinguished humanitarian service, is a co-founder of the Peace Corps Alliance for Intercultural Understanding, an organization that is dedicated to providing resources and guidance to RPCVs that will enable them to engage in instructive dialogue designed to identify and address racism, bigotry, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.